Saturday, October 22, 2011

ALL FORMS.......Divali Celebrations, 2011

All Forms are to participate in this reflection and discussion. You would have seen the many transformations taking place at the college in preparation for Divali. You would have also seen the Visual and Performing Arts department coming together and work in bringing a combination of Art, Music and Dance in the Ramleela production.

I would like you to think about the following questions and share your thoughts with us:

1. Did you just see Ramleela, or did you see the ART aspect as well?
2. What are your thoughts in taking fabric and draping the walls of the school? Did you ever thought that you could have used saris to drape columns?
3. What mood was created when the school was transformed?
4. How did the transformation impacted on you?
5. What are some things we can do to improve the decor of the school for next year's celebrations?
6. How are you going to decorate/how did you decorate you home for the Divali season?

Please answer in a paragraph format.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Form Five Students ONLY!!!

REFLECTION required-

You are in your final year!!! Pretty soon you will be writing your CXC Visual Arts exams. How has the journey been for you so far?

Form Three Students ONLY !!

Research may seem boring, or hard work.... But, it is a fact of life. We do research every day and you may not realize it.... You want to get the latest shoes...YOU RESEARCH the latest styles.... you wish to find out about the activities for the upcoming Family Day and research the activites on the Events page in Facebook... You want to find out why this girl likes ask questions(interview, a form of Research)...and so on and so on. As you get older, as you attend new learning institutions, you will see how important it is to conduct Researches and put together the information you have gathered into your own words.... that is- not plagiarize. The research would be a bit more structured and of course, in depth.

When you reflect on your experiences, you are of course researching within. There is a wealth of information within you that you have not fully reflecting on them, you will be organising your thoughts, putting deeper meaning to your experiences and you will become more aware of yourself and your abilities.

With reference to your recent Research project using the Interview technique on na artist in your community, please share your experiences on your RESEARCH. How did you feel about it? What were your major problems? What made it enjoyable and rewarding for you?

Form Two Students ONLY

Research may seem boring, or hard work.... But, it is a fact of life. We do research every day and you may not realize it.... You want to get the latest shoes...YOU RESEARCH the latest styles.... you wish to find out about the activities for the upcoming Family Day and research the activites on the Events page in Facebook... You want to find out why this girl likes ask questions(interview, a form of Research)...and so on and so on. As you get older, as you attend new learning institutions, you will see how important it is to conduct Researches and put together the information you have gathered into your own words.... that is- not plagiarize. The research would be a bit more structured and of course, in depth.

When you reflect on your experiences, you are of course researching within. There is a wealth of information within you that you have not fully reflecting on them, you will be organising your thoughts, putting deeper meaning to your experiences and you will become more aware of yourself and your abilities.

With reference to your recent Research project on COTTON, please share your experiences on your RESEARCH. How did you feel about it? What were your major problems? What made it enjoyable and rewarding for you?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Form One Students Only!!!!

Sitaram ...

It has already been 3 weeks since you have been at Vishnu Boys Hindu College. I do trust and hope that you are enjoying the Visual Arts lessons.

The purpose of this blog is to have you students EXPRESS yourself in relation to art. Art is supposed to change your life in a positive way. You will ultimately become more observant, more creative, more skilled and talented in art and by extension everyday life. As i said in my previous lessons, ART IS ALL AROUND !!!!

I would like you to share your views on Art at Vishnu boys in about 5-8 lines. What do you think about it? how does it make you feel? What do you hope to achieve? Do you see art helping you in the other subject areas? share your views with me and enjoy the blog!!

Sir Dilip. 24th September, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome Form 4 Art Students

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new set of Form 4s to the Visual Arts CXC CLasses.
During the next two years you will learn a great deal of work, including devleoping your skills and techniques in specialised areas, improve in your research skills, and become more aware of the local artists and their styles of work.
During these two years you ar eexpected to live your live in Art...READ Art, See Art, Think Art, Do Art...... indeed, Art is everywhere.
Do work hard and make us all proud. Trinidad an dtobago is finally getting to appreciate the arts and I think you students will make it brig in the field if you work hard with determination for success.