Monday, March 31, 2014

For 1B Students Only. Final Comic!

Congratulations on submitting your final Comic Page!! I am sure you are all proud of your accomplishments! You all did a wonderful job for the past few weeks and I congratulate you once more.

                Comic on Societal Issues- Bullying/Theft 

Share your thoughts on the journey with us readers. Here are some guided questions to assist. Feel free to add any other personal experience you may wish to share.

  • How was the journey for you?
  • What was one of the most difficult lessons for you and why?
  • What was one of the most interesting lesson for you and why?
  • Has the blogging of your journey helped you in any way? How so?
  • How did you feel submitting your Completed comic Page?


  1. Triston Maharaj 1BMarch 31, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    This was a great experience for me ,it was the most inspiring topic .This help me a lot in art.It tough me more about art .

    1. Triston, please use the guided questions and express your thoughts more.

    2. Triston, please I really thought you should have written more information

  2. I found that the journey was rather smooth since we had the help of our teacher, who guided us through tough times. One of the most difficult lessons for me was creating the facial expressions because you would have to know how to place the expressions of the eyes, mouth and eyebrow. However one of the most interesting lessons was the development of characters through shapes and objects. It was interesting because you would have to concentrate to put a mouth, hands, feet and a head in the proper places. The blog has also made my journey a little better by boosting my confidence. I was confident submitting my final completed my comic because I know I did it with all my knowledge.

  3. My journey creating a comic was an interesting one because it was my first time I felt a bit confused because I did not know what was a comic but after weeks of practice I finally got it. The most difficult lesson for me was drawing a face because I always thought a face was a circle for the head another two circles for the eyes,a triangle for the nose, a waved line for the mouth. One of the most interesting lessons was turning a stick figure into the human form. The blog has helped me in many ways because first I did not what was a blog and I learned how to express myself I could not have stand up and tell someone about my feelings. Submitting my final comic page was a bit weird because I could never tell if it was good or if it was excellent but in the end I felt great because I know what I have to do and I can improve in my comics. Altogether it was a great journey creating and submitting a comic page.

  4. This journey for me has been a wonderful one in that every session with our teacher is a new and exciting experience. Apart from lessons taught in class, the information posted on the blog was extremely helpful. One of the challenging but at the same time interesting lesson for me would have been creating my own characters for my comic page which by the way I am proud of. Just being able to create something that I have never done before. Thank you Sir for your inspiration and guidance.

  5. The journey for me has been very fascinating because I always thought comics was a small easy lesson in art, but now I know how difficult it is. Creating a character was one of the most difficult lesson and it was the most interesting because you can easily take a random object and give it a personality. The blogging helped me in almost all my subjects because I fell more confident when talking in class . I felt proud when submitting my final piece because I was able to use the knowledge which was though in class and use it to create a work of art.

    1. I agree with you very much

  6. The journey for me has been an educational and wonderful experience. The most difficult part for me was the drawing of the characters in the comic because I am not good at drawing. The interesting part of this project was realising when I started my comic with your help Sir Dilip I was able to draw. I was pleasantly surprised of my comic when I completed it. The journey for me was a learning experience in realising I can do something such as drawing, something I did not even know that I could accomplish. I thank you for introducing me to this blog because it has boost my confidence in expressing myself. I must say I was totally confident in my comic when I completed it because of the guidance you gave to me in the beginning until the end. Thank you Sir!!

  7. The journey was a wonderful experience since we had learn so much new things in art and every thing we learnt will help us in the future. One of the most difficult lesson was creating the comic because they was so many mistakes you could make, even the simplest mistake could rune your comic. One of the most interesting lesson for me was how we create our characters because they was so many things I did not know how to create our characters. Yes, the blog of my journey had helped me in my life because without it I would not be able to express myself. I felt so happy when I submitting my comic.

  8. The journey for me has been very fascinating and interesting.The most difficult part for me was doing the drawing and developing of character in the comic because i can't really draw that much.The most interesting part in this lesson is when we discuss social issues affecting our society and ways we can stop those issues.The journey of the blog helped understanding how and why there are issues affecting the society. At first I was not sure if it was good but after I was confident.

  9. This journey for me was tuff. The most difficult lesson for me was how to full the comic strip because when I am crearing the picrure, it will be too difficult to fit everything in a pnnel. The most interesting lesson was the weird characters.I felt excited handing in my final comic page because I tried my best and worked hard to get a good comic page.

  10. Kavesh Satnarine 1:BApril 21, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    My journey in doing comics was very fun and interesting. The most difficult part for me was the drawing but after practicing the drawing i got better. The most interesting lesson we did was the development of the characters. This activity was very fun because the characters you draw can be regular or really funny. This blog has help me by giving me the confidence to talk in front of a class. Before i could barely speak in front of a class, I always had this fear in me when speaking in front of a class. Before I started the blog I did not know what was a blog. When i submitted my final comic I felt like if I could have done better. But even if my comic was not the best I was still proud of the comic I did.

    1. Triston Maharaj 1:BApril 23, 2014 at 9:38 AM

      I feel your comic was very nice and colorful.

  11. The journey for me was very fascinating and educational.The most difficult part for me was drawing and most importantly personalising character.The most interesting part of this lesson was social issues in our society and ways we can solve them.The journey of the blog helped me understand more on what we did in class.I think that blogging is a very intelligent topic that we all do so it can help us in the public.

  12. the journey of making a final comic piece was kind of intimidating at first but after all the lessons i was confident with my piece.none of the lessons were hard for me . the most interesting lesson was when we got to criticize others comics.yes it has because we were guided by it.i felt very confident while i was handing in my final piece.

  13. The journey for me was kind of scary at the beginning knowing that a number of people would be reading my work but after I got accustom to it. One of the hardest topics for for me was the draft that is so because first of all I cannot draw to well and it was hard to come up with a topic.The most interesting topic for me is the final comic I liked it because after all my comic looked good and I wanted to see my classmates comics.Yes this blog helped me a lot because it helped a little with my computer skills and it made learning fun. At first I was very scared that I would have to do it over.

  14. My journey was exciting, I love art and I love to draw which helps me explore my feelings. I like the way art can express social issues since I love Social Studies too, combine the two and I can only say I was fascinated and overwhelmed. Art has enlightened me I never thought that there were so many things involved in it, I can only say I can't wait for another exciting project!

  15. The journey along the way for me was exciting because when I heard we were going to do comics I thought WOW I AM ACTUALLY GOING TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE COMICS. The most difficult lesson for me was the development of comic characters because I found it difficult to draw but this topic has thought me strategies on how to draw. The most interesting topic was critiqueing because I was glad to look at my friends work and point out mistakes so that their comics could be better. This blog has helped me because it had plenty other comments that I could learn from. I felt nervous about submitting my final comic page because I was not sure if I would get full marks.

  16. satish rampersad 1bApril 22, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    The journey was very interesting I learnt how to develop my comic and my drawing and my storyline and how to place my bobbles in the crick position. In a part of the way I thought that I could not do it but then my teacher tough the lesson on how to fit the word in the bobbles. The most interesting lesson was on the human figure because I learn a very valuable lesson. the blog helped me to use my art langue so I can revise easier. I was proud and disappointed that I misted some things that could have ben fix.

  17. This journey for me has been very fascinating. The most difficult part for me was the drawing of the comic panels because I have to get all the panels close to perfect so I could start my drawings. The interesting part is choosing social issue, because, they are so many of social issues. At last I finished and it was worth the hard work and while using the blog this made me realize my mistakes before it was too late.

  18. Triston Maharaj 1BApril 22, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    The journey was an interesting one . The most difficult part was writing a comic story because I did know that type of problem to do .The most interesting part was the drawing of characters . The blogging help me to express myself using words . when it was time to give up my final comic page I was frighten and keep wondering if it need more improvement.

  19. In this journey I have arrived to my destination even though there were many tuff times I found a way around my troubles. I suppose there were many things I had a little difficulty with but if I had to choose one I would have choosen development of characters.I think this topic was tough because i was unsure of what charcters I wanted to create and would I have made a story out of them .In all lessons their is a favourite and I would have said that facial expression was my favourite because I was amazed of how you can create faces which expresses the feelings of the characters.In conclusion I would say that blogging has improve me in terms of public speaking.

  20. The journey for me was quit enjoyable and worth it because now I can create my own comic page.The most difficult lesson for me would be the human form because at first I didn't understand how to form the human and the last shape but as I kept on practising I finally got the hang of it.The most interesting lesson for me was the characters because I had fun developing my characters and creating it in the image I wanted it to be.The blogging has helped me alot in my journey to create a good comic,it thought me how to express myself and see where I am at in my comic.I felt really good about myself submitting the comic page because all my hard work and my blogging experience had paid off in creating a great comic page.

  21. The journey for me was very interesting because it gave me the understanding of how the development of comics were, for example : development of characters , development of a storyline and the development of a comic. However , my first try at comics were horrible, but then after days of practice I became better at comics and felt more confident in submitting my final draft.

  22. My journey contain many hazards and obstacles. But I can't give up no matter what.The most difficult part is to catch the attention of the viewers and kept , my colours were gothic and needed more attention. My favourite part is sketching and decorating the backgrounds. The blog encouraged me and restored hope to me it was a major help in this epic journey until the conclusion of it. I felt only pride and had no fear over it. I really must thank this blog and I encourage others to follow!

  23. Ravindranauth Prashad 1;BApril 22, 2014 at 6:28 PM

    The journey for me was a bit difficult and there were obstacles on my way .Reflection was one of my obstacles.Now it is known as one of my most interesting lessons.The blog has helped me convert this weakness into a strength. The blog has also helped me on my journey to where I am now.

  24. when i had to give up my final piece it was the scariest because i kept thinking about what might be wrong with it.In the end you should give up your piece and trust in your teacher's judgement.Most Likely your teacher will give you advise on how to improve and you will improve more than if you kept your work to yourself.

  25. The most interesting lesson for me was learning how to actually draw and create a good character. My teacher told me that when you create a character you must give it a personality. At first I didn't understand what he meant at the moment but I realised what he meant a little later. I think it meant that each character must have a different style of clothing, hairstyle etc.
